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Below are listed 3 US Consulates in the Yucatan Penisula
(I tried to find street, mailing, phone, fax and e-mail addresses.
1. US Consulate in Merida, Quintana Roo, Mexico:
Calle 60 No. 338-K x 29 y 31, Col. Alcalá Martín, 97050
2. US Consulate in CANCUN, Quintana Roo, Mexico:
Plaza Caracol Dos
Segundo Nivel No. 320-323
Blvd. Kukulkan
Zona Hotelera
Cancun, Q.R. 77500
Office: (01-998) 883-0272,
Fax: (01-998) 883-1373
Duty Cell: (01-998) 845-4364
E-MAIL: or
Mailing Address: Apdo. Postal 862
Cancun, Q.R.
3. US Consulate in COZUMEL, Quntana Roo, Mexico:
U.S.Consular Agency (Off.Hrs.Mo-Fri:12:00-14:00)
Plaza Villa Mar en El Centro, Plaza Principal
Parque Juarez entre Melgar y 5a. Ave., 2° Piso, Locales 8 y 9.
Cozumel, QR. 77600
Office Tels: (01-987) 872-4574, 872-4485
Fax: (01-987) 872-2339 E/MAIL: or